On May 5th and 6th, Aero Law Group Team Members, Kari Brown, Cheryl Kringle and Amanda Loveless attended this conference which was held at the Archer Hotel in Napa, California. They enjoyed the wine tasting reception and the one-day educational conference with speakers from Quest Aircraft Company, the Airbus Foundation, Boeing’s Horizon X and others. Topics included “Leading Today and in the Future,” addressing how to cooperate, collaborate and prepare the next generation of leaders in our industry, as well as, “Current Trends in General Aviation and Innovative Technology.” Two current trends to keep an eye on are the development of electrification of aircraft and general mobility and the rise of autonomy in aviation. The three enjoyed meeting with many other professionals in the general aviation industry (including the few men that attended this women’s conference), and agree that this was a fantastic event in a beautiful location. They hope to attend future events held by the International Aviation Women’s Association.